In-Home Physical Therapy
Rehabilitation Services You Can Depend On
Physical therapy is a type of rehabilitation designed to improve strength, mobility, and functionality of patients with medical or health-related issues that put limitations on their daily lives. These professionals work with patients once they are well enough to be discharged from a hospital. We understand how the last thing you want to do is go back to a hospital, and it’s our goal to reduce the risk of further hospitalization.
Physical therapists play an important role in the transition from inpatient care to going back to your primary residence. They are your advocates for critical decision-making and provide recommendations for the appropriate level of care you need. As part of your at-home health team, physical therapists can also identify your living situation while evaluating your balance, ability to climb stairs, or even other simple activities such as how you remove clothing from a washing machine.
Our highly experienced physical therapists at Choice Health at Home are dedicated to optimizing each patient’s mobility in an effort to improve their quality of life. As our patient, you can expect your physical therapist to work closely with your physician in developing a customized program tailored to your needs to promote better movement, less pain, improved functionality, and prevent disability.
Physical therapy may be necessary for the following scenarios:
Post-illness, such as a stroke
Post-injury recovery
After surgery
To reduce the risk of falls
To improve strength, endurance, balance, and mobility