Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Program

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) impacts the lives of millions of Americans. In fact, more than 15 million Americans are currently diagnosed with COPD, but millions more may have the disease without being aware. If you have been diagnosed with COPD you may be asking yourself “what’s next?”
COPD can make taking every breath difficult as it causes partial obstruction of the airways. It can make living independently no longer possible without the help of an in-home care provider or extra attention from a family caregiver. Although COPD is incurable, in-home care providers can help your loved one cope better with the symptoms. COPD must be properly managed to maintain strength and stamina, both of which contribute to mobility and independence.
Choice Health at Home wants to empower you. We teach special techniques that are helpful in making everyday tasks easier. For example, if you become winded through having a conversation, we encourage you to talk in short phrases or sentences and take pauses whenever you need to avoid putting excess strain on your lungs. Choice will also help create a safer home environment by removing tripping hazards by recommending the installation of safety bars and improvements to lighting throughout the home.